
Archive for July, 2009

June 2009 RMAP Blog – Entry 3

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Tuesday, June 9th:

The Executive Committee of the Northern Illinois Commuter Transportation Initiative (NICTI) met today to continue discussions on operating structure for future commuter train service to Chicagoland.  The discussions were based on previous NICTI action to select the Locally Preferred Alternative route. The committee preference for an operating structure was a mass transit district organized under the Mass Transit District Act of Illinois. This could possibly lead to an expansion of the role of the Rockford Mass Transit District or could eventually lead to a new transit district. I will be sure to update you on this exciting development as more information becomes available.

To view the Mass Transit District Act of Illinois, please click here.

Later that day, Belvidere Mayor Fred Brereton and I attended a webinar regarding Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Stimulus funds, which is a discretionary pool of $1.5 billion dollars nationwide, with each state’s funding capped at $300 million. The funding guidelines are quite broad, but the Secretary of Transportation has considerable latitude to select projects that will generate economic recovery in the Unites States.

RMAP is currently developing the project scope that we would like to submit for the region, which will most likely include a passenger rail component, a freight rail consolidation component, and a freight rail infrastructure upgrade component that can be tied to job growth, economic development and significant capital investment. Applications for TIGER grants are due September 15th.

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June 2009 RMAP Blog – Entry 2

Friday, July 17th, 2009

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Mayor Larry Morrissey coordinated a meeting with a local architecture firm to discuss options for building the Amtrak rail stations in Rockford. I attended this session, which brought many ideas to the rail station table that would allow for economically sound construction as well as flexibility and convenience.

Currently, we have a two-year window to construct rail stations in anticipation of the return of Amtrak service. During the past several weeks, I have spent a good deal of time working on station-area planning for these proposed sites, which include an Alpine Road site, a downtown Rockford site, and a downtown Belvidere site.  Local leaders have suggested that the inaugural Amtrak train run on November 11, 2011 (11-11-11).

June 2009 RMAP Blog – Entry 1

Friday, July 17th, 2009



All hail high-speed rail!  June was jam-packed full of events and information to help Rockford reign in the train.

Monday, June 1st:

I attended a Federal Railroad Association (FRA) workshop in Chicago with Bryan Davis, Deputy Chief of Staff for Illinois 16th District Congressman Don Manzullo. A series of these FRA workshops were held throughout the country.  As Chicago is one of the largest rail hubs in the United States, this was a heavily attended meeting.  The purpose of the meeting was for FRA officials to hear comments, questions, and insight from rail industry professionals, urban planners, and elected officials from the midwest region. In addition to gathering high-speed rail planning guidance, the FRA also wanted to give an overview of the rail funding allocation program.  The FRA took the guidance given at the Chicago workshop as well as all the other nationally held workshops and published it in the Federal Register on June 17th. To view the guidance, please click here. cheapest prices pharmacy. dapoxetine price in dubai. cheapest rates, cheap dapoxetine.

The FRA’s published final guidance gives requirements and program guidelines related to new funding contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA).  This guidance will allow our regional partners to apply for any discretionary funding from ARRA or PRIIA.

For more information on the information discussed at the June 1st FRA workshop, please click here.

To view President Obama’s Administration’s Vision for High Speed Rail in the United States, please click here.

For more information and downloadable high speed rail documents, please click here.

You can also view a video of President Obama discussing the high-speed rail project here.

During this FRA workshop, I also received a booklet from the Midwest Regional Rail Initiative (MWRRI). The MWRRI is a consortium of nine states in the Midwest (Indiana, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin) that formed in 1996.

Just recently, the MWRRI produced a letter to President Obama and Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood that the first midwest high speed rail project should be Chicago to St. Louis and that this advocacy is for the entire 9-state region.

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The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has been selected to provide lead agency services for the MWRRI.

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To view the current MWRRI publication, please click here

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RMAP Blog Intro

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Welcome to the RMAP Executive Director’s blog. My name is Steve Ernst, and I am the Executive Director of RMAP, the Rockford Metropolitan Agency for Planning. The goal of my blog is to inform, educate, and disseminate information to you regarding Rockford’s infrastructure planning processes, which will include progress reports on our overall transportation goals; local, state and federal projects; funding; news; and special events. Please feel free to post your comments on the blog, as your feedback is important. Additionally, should you wish to contact my RMAP Planning Staff or me directly, please call (815) 964-RMAP (7627) or e-mail me at pills price estradiol 2mg price is there a generic for estrace vag cream estradiol 70 estradiol patch 37.5. pills cost estradiol 0 75 generic estrace tablets ethinyl  get dapoxetine otc supplements without prescription. buy cheap dapoxetine uk . dapoxetine is used as a treatment for premature ejaculation. cheap  .
