
Archive for November, 2009


Monday, November 30th, 2009

I attended the 3rd Annual William O. Lipinski Symposium on Transportation Policy at Northwestern University (Symposium Page prednisone without prescription for dogs; prednisone buy online uk ; generic brand for it has a federal drug of prednisone 20mg price its several and can be a  ).  This year’s topic was titled “Moving the Goods: Chicago and the Nation’s Freight”.  While many of the symposium presentations were related to the Chicago Region Environmental And Transportation Efficiency project ( viagra professional online can buy viagra buy female cialis online no scriptbuy … CREATE Webpage wei?, dass muster der baclofen ohne rezept kaufen baclofen online purchase discount medication! buy dapoxetine online . official drugstore, dapoxetine cost india. kaufen regel aus frauenmantelkraut. temperaturen wirken auch heilpraktiker lebenslang. ), freight in the Rockford region can play an integral part of the global supply chain and economic development of the midwest region.  The symposium provided an excellent opportunity to network with transportation leaders and elected officials and in particular provided an opportunity to advance freight projects in the Rockford region, such as the projects contained in the TIGER application that was submitted by RMAP on behalf of the Rockford region.

It was particularly interesting to hear US Representative Daniel Lipinski, US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, FRA Administrator Joseph Szabo and others speak of a “second stimulus program” as part of the reauthorization of the next Transportation Bill (reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU).  Representative Lipinksi serves on the US House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that is currently drafting and debating the new bill.  Many of the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), including RMAP, speak of dramatic changes to the way transportation dollars are delivered in the transportation bill.  Given the overwhelming success of the discretionary programs in the Recovery Act, such as TIGER, I believe that the legacy formula-based programs contained in the transportation bill can be modified to allow more dollars to flow to regions that can demonstrate economic development, job creation and economic recovery.  For instance, many of the highway construction dollars are delivered to the States based on the number of miles of high-level roadways.  While a state-of-good-repair and highway capacity have always been the cornerstone of  highway construction programs, the United States can no longer program dollars based on these dated measurements.  True success requires more accountability, but also requires more flexibility.  Hopefully the new Transportation Bill will address these concerns.

Other presentations at the Lipinski Symposium highlighted the critical freight projects that benefit high-speed rail programs in the midwest.  Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval, Chair of the Illinois Senate Transportation Committee, Illinois Representative Elaine Nekritz, Chair of the Illinois House Railroad Industry Committee, and Illinois Transportation Secretary Gary Hannig spoke of the importance of the Capital Program in Illinois to advance both freight improvements and paseenger rail programs.

To see more information about the TIGER application of the Rockford region, click here dapoxetine online pharmacy dapoxetine 60 mg price in india Priligy without prescription .
